Chicken Satay with Grated Coconut

This is delicious and aromatic combination of ground meat, spices, and coconut. It is always prepared for religious ceremonies, with the number of sticks varying for each occasion. The fragrant, golden raw meat mixture is artfully spiraled around bamboo stick and grilled over glowing coconut husks.
The task of making Sate Lembat is always performed by men, as it is a phallic symbol as well as a symbol for war weapons.

Ingredients : Makes 15
300 gms/10 oz. chickens mince 3 tbspn. fried shallots
4-5 tbspn. base genep 1 tbspn. palm sugar
5 lime leaves, shredded ½ tspn. sea salt
½ - ¾ cup grated coconut ½ tsp. shrimp paste
Chopsticks, soaked in water

Mix with the grated coconut, Base Genep, palm sugar, fried onion, salt and lime leaves. In Bali, the mixing is done by hand so that the spices blend thoroughly.
Mix in the chicken and knead the flavour together. The mixture should be fragrant, deep yellow in colour and slightly sticky. If it is not too dry, you can add water or a little coconut milk. Take a dessert spoon of this mixture and shape into a pear.
Place the meat on the end of the chopstick and spiral it firmly around the stick until it reaches halfway, resembling a drumstick.
Grill until golden brown. To serve : as a main course with Lawar. Satay Lembat is also ideal served as part of a buffet or with cocktails.
